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Branding Process

WHO YOU ARE: Defines the character of your brand. Identify your core values, purpose, and vision. Unify your organization through an honest expression of your values, vision and purpose. POSITIONING: Your brand promise – what do you want to be famous for? Your customers, competitors, differentiation and brand touch points. Don’t try to be everything …

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Brand Attributes

Attributes are more often used when referring to products rather than brands. A product’s attribute might be a function or a feature. These functions and features often lead to consumer benefits. Brands can have attributes too. Brand attributes are a bundle of features that highlight the physical and personality traits of the brand. They are similar to …

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Brand Visibility

Brand = promise of satisfaction. Visibility = the degree to which something has attracted general attention; prominence. Brand Visibility = Ability of a brand to be found by prospective buyers. Companies do different things to improve visibility of their brands. Examples: Real Estate: Remax reminds of their presence using their giant balloons. Software: Cloud services …

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Trademark Classification in India

The new Trade Marks, 1999 and the Trade Marks Rules, 2002 of India, are in close conformity and consistency with most of the globally recognized and influential trademark conventions and treaties, to promote worldwide business and trade. In India, there are 34 classes for goods and 11 for services. Trademark Classification of Goods Class 1.- …

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How to position your software business for success?

Brand positioning dallas

Would you buy something if you didn’t know what you were buying? Can you market a product without knowing who would want to buy it? No and No. Yet you’d be surprised at how many software developers build and market products without a clear understanding of their software’s position in the market place. Positioning is …

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