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Does Content Marketing work?


Someone asked me the question: ‘does content marketing work for any type of business?’ My answer: Yes, content marketing works in all scenarios where you are trying to market a product or service online. Let’s take example of a financial consultant. This consultant person has knowledge and expertise that they can use to create relevant …

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Confusing Branding

Don't settle for confusing branding

Brand stands for one, or two things. Rarely more than two. It means your customers remember you for a certain kind of product or service. It also means every time they buy from you, they expect a certain experience. This expectation could be a result of a prior purchase from you or because someone told …

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Power of Content Marketing


If there is one thing that you could do to power your business online, what would that be? Add content! That’s right! There is no other method. Think about it: 50 years back, or even 25 years back, brands were built through investment in real estate, huge billboard advertising and of-course word-of-mouth. That isn’t so …

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