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What is a business plan and why do I need one?

A business plan is an outline or a road map for the direction of your company. It specifically defines your business and clearly states your goals. It includes information about customers, your employees, and you. It explains something about the industry you will be a part of and briefly explains the market for your product …

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S&P 500 companies

The S&P 500 index is one of the most commonly cited stock market benchmarks in the United States as the companies that comprise this popular index are among the largest, most successful, and profitable ventures on the globe.

Technical Writing: Definition and Purpose

Technical writing is the process of researching and writing about specialized topics in a way that is clear to the intended audience. Technical writers work closely with your subject matter experts (SMEs) to learn the details of your products, policies, and procedures. They take the time to understand you and your audience to eliminate the …

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What industries do Technical Writers work in?

The most visible documents that technical writers produce are product manuals or guides that accompany products to customers and instruct them on product assembly and usage. Online help consisting of a series of short instructional blurbs incorporated into the product itself is also common. Some technical writers never write any product documentation meant for external …

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WordPress and its advantages

According to data from W3Techs, WordPress is used by 43.2% of all websites on the internet (as of January 2023). This is an increase from 39.5% in 2021. This means that two out of every five websites use WordPress. WordPress is by far the most popular content-management system (CMS). Other website design platforms such as …

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